Saturday, June 5, 2010

Synchronous Fireflies - June 5-13

Plan now to view the beautiful light show provided by the fireflies at Elkmont in the Great Smoky Mountains Nat'l Park. Special shuttles will run from the Sugarlands Visitor Center starting at 7 pm and ending at 9 pm each evening. Last shuttle returns at 11 pm. Cost is $1.00 round-trip. CALL NOW to reserve your accommodations at the Clarion Inn Pigeon Forge.

Information on Synchronous Fireflies

Thursday, June 3, 2010

19th Annual Smoky Mtns. Storytelling Festival

June 10th - 12th. Make your reservations now to stay at the Clarion Inn Pigeon Forge for this event. We are located only minutes from the Grand Majestic Theater where the event is held. Call Now 1-888-321-7215.
Event Schedule